I might be the most excited about this video. I really wanted to learn how the original Doom game engine works. l spent a long time learning the basic concepts but created the code myself from scratch and how I wanted to design it. You can follow along or convert this code to any other programming language since I kept it simple in C that draws a pixel at x and y coordinates. Let me know if you enjoy this series! Thank you for all your great ideas and I hope to see what you make from this tutorial series. How to install OpenGL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTk6W67dyR4 Download my started code here: https://github.com/3DSage/OpenGL-Starter_v1 Starter code: 02:28 Drawing dots: 05:52 Drawing a line: 10:38 Drawing a wall: 11:51 Sectors: 15:40 Surfaces: 20:31 Raycaster Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYRrGTC7GtA